Darcy’s Wind River Chimes Dedication

Stepping into so many different yoga studios the ski season 2015, MauiSkiBus seems to run out of things to write or explain. So simple will be here, however simple is not the word to describe a Darcy, owner of Wind River Yoga Studio, in Pinedale Wyoming. The entry way/front office area walls are plastered with newspaper clippings after clippings after clippings.  Yoga is now putting on sporting contests, where students travel near to home or far, far away, bringing a home name near the Wind River Range, that chimes in the minds of yogis in the Big Apple.

OK, so some yoga poses for beginners, alright, many poses for the beginner, can be past difficult. A professional athlete that is paid millions and millions would walk out of yoga classes, if they were to do many of the same poses that Darcy teaches her below and above ten year olds. If the same professional athlete would dedicate themselves to do these poses, what level would their sport ability to be raised? Even a top world class athlete should have no shame in not being able to do all the poses at first. Dedication Darcy can help them.

Oh, by the way, thanks Ms. Billie, the fit and fun ranch lady of Pinedale, for the turn on at a yoga studio with an owner so dedicated.

Nine ladies

One tropical ski bum



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